Clubs & Organizations

Our Clubs and Organizations are listed below, you can find more details about each club by either clicking on the Club or organization or on the left column of the Rasco Webpage. 

Rasco Rhythm- Sponsor Mrs. Ross & Mr. Vonderheide
Mission Specialists- Sponsor Mrs. Dingee, Ms. Dreamer, Mrs. McGehee, and Mrs. Mixon
Comic Book Club- Sponsor Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Packard and Ms. Waite
Young Einsteins- Sponsor 5th & 6th Grade Science teachers
Kingdom Builders- Sponsor Ms. Burns
You Be the Chemists- Mrs. Nicholas and Ms. Waite

Peer Mediators- Sponsor Ms. Jaspar
Rasco News- Sponsor Mrs. Ross
6th Grade Robotics Competition - Mrs. Cobb 
Student Council- Sponsors Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Sosa and Mrs. Ross 
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