Click one of the links below to view current immunization requirements and medication information.
Attention Incoming 7th Grade Student Parents:
Please make sure your student has had the required immunizations for entering 7th grade. These include Tdap and Meningococcal. You may bring a copy of the shot record to the school nurse through the last day of school or to 7th grade registration/orientation in August. Students will not be permitted to enroll or pick up their 7th grade schedule until these immunization requirements are complete.
Visit the Brazoria County Health Department website for more information on how to schedule your immunization appointment.
18 & Under Immunization Schedule
Pre-K Immunization Requirements - English | Spanish
K-12 Immunization Requirements - English | Spanish
Immunization Exemption Information
Medication Form - English | Spanish
Permit for Possession and Self-Admin of Medication - English | Spanish